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  • Tara Moseley

PR12 2019 IMPACT Q1

The first quarter of 2019 in Uganda has once again surpassed all we could have ever dreamed or hoped for! Our reach has almost doubled per month and we have seen unbelievable growth in ALL our projects. We are going to be on the ground IN Uganda May 7-14th to visit our team, plan for the remainder of 2019, and take part in some incredible outreaches throughout the villages. If you click the banner below you will be able to help us impact over 2,400 people while we are there: from the rural villages, to the first women's conference in the bush, to women in prison, as well as providing life essentials in a blessing bucket to over 100 vulnerable families: (click below)


THE GENESIS PROJECT continues to flourish as single mothers leave the streets and come for vocational training, mentoring, and ultimately freedom from the chains of poverty and prostitution.

At the beginning of the year, we opened a second training center at the Boys Safehouse – since the boys were in Boarding School, we decided to utilize the house and train the mothers of Maya there. The turnout has been incredible as we registered the 129th woman a few weeks ago. It was a leap of faith and we are so thankful for all of you who rose to the challenge and helped us raise the money needed to open this project. We currently have over 200+ single mothers going through the Genesis Project between our Maya and Wakiso Centers.

We are in dire need of monthly partners for this project after the expansion. Each month we feed the mothers/kids, take care of the children, buy supplies for the training, employ 10 trainers, and create sustainment for these women. We are $1,000 short in monthly giving to continue – we would be over the moon to have anyone join the Genesis Project monthly giving.


WORLD CHANGERS ACADEMY is growing at an outstanding rate - we have over 250 children who are coming weekly to attend school. We are so thankful for the sponsors who sponsor individual children and also help us keep the school growing so we can help vulnerable children like Stella.

Our team and partners at Mission House have been supported to grow their vision for the school and invest in children like Stella. Here's a little note straight from our Partner Freddie:

"We are all very happy and thankful for your help & support here at Mission House School World Changer's Academy. We are very happy to report that our building was finally completed and that kids now have new classrooms with furniture as they no longer have to sit on the floor. The number has increased steadily because the community members have trusted us with their children and we now have 250 children, we hope to have more and more classes will be put in place as we currently stop at 3rd Grade. We are so happy that we have been able to impact so many families and lives and many children have access to good and quality education some didn't even go to school at all."


OUR MODEL: Staying true and faithful to our model of locally led leadership has been one of the key factors in our ability to create such wild and wonderful growth and impact. Our partners Mission House – really our family – have done such an incredible job stewarding all that has been given to bring life and freedom to Uganda. They are the hands and feet of your donations – hugging the children, running the school, rescuing the abandoned, driving them to and from, loving the single mother, teaching the Genesis Project vocational classes – nothing could be done without them. We are so grateful for their leadership, wisdom, and expertise on the ground. We love seeing Ugandans change Ugandans – so many leaders are being trained and raised up. It’s going to be a joy to be reunited with them in a few short weeks.


THANK YOU for answering our calls, reading our texts, opening our emails - responding, acting, and being committed to seeing FREEDOM in the lives of children, single mothers, and vulnerable families in Uganda. Never in a million years would Clint and I have thought that a little God dream would become a movement of love and life like this. Thousands upon thousands of lives will never be the same. There are so many more stories and accolades I could put in here because the list is long - but please know this, we are indebted to the kindness and sacrifices of all our donors who have given and believed in this call when nobody else has. We are watching as the heartbeat of Project R12 is being lived out across the country of Uganda.

There would be no Project R12 without you. Thank you for an incredible First Quarter of 2019. Feel free to send us an email and say hi, we enjoy hearing from you.

Love - Clint and Tara

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